Alle Locations: Pharmacies in Elche / Elx

Pharmacies / Farmacias - Addresses

There are many! The pharmacy density is high in Spain. The city of Alicante already has 146. The Icon is a green cross. Good to see from the street. Prices are low compared to other EU countries. E.g. medicine  against high blood pressure. Often up to a third of the German price.


Pharmacy Opening hours:
Mo. to Fr.
from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m and from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
On Saturdays only from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m..

All pharmacies show the nearest night service pharmacy in the window. Call 112 in case of emergency


Here you can narrow down your search

    • Apotheken - Pharmacies - Farmacias - Provinz, Province, Provincia de Alicante

    Pharmacy in Elche: CALLE ALMORIDA, 14

    • Apotheken - Pharmacies - Farmacias - Provinz, Province, Provincia de Alicante

    Pharmacy in Elche: PLAZA PONT (EL), 1

    • Apotheken - Pharmacies - Farmacias - Provinz, Province, Provincia de Alicante

    Pharmacy in Elche: CALLE MAJOR DEL PLA, 38

    • Apotheken - Pharmacies - Farmacias - Provinz, Province, Provincia de Alicante

    Pharmacy in Elche: CALLE JOSE ROMERO LOPEZ, 50

    • Apotheken - Pharmacies - Farmacias - Provinz, Province, Provincia de Alicante

    Pharmacy in Elche: CALLE OLEGARIO DOMARCO SELLER, 69

    • Apotheken - Pharmacies - Farmacias - Provinz, Province, Provincia de Alicante

    Pharmacy in Elche: AVENIDA LLIBERTAT, 54

    • Apotheken - Pharmacies - Farmacias - Provinz, Province, Provincia de Alicante

    Pharmacy in Elche: CALLE BENITO PEREZ GALDOS, 39

    • Apotheken - Pharmacies - Farmacias - Provinz, Province, Provincia de Alicante

    Pharmacy in Elche: CALLE PERE JOAN PERPINYA, 40

    • Apotheken - Pharmacies - Farmacias - Provinz, Province, Provincia de Alicante

    Pharmacy in Elche: AVENIDA NOVELDA, 63

    • Apotheken - Pharmacies - Farmacias - Provinz, Province, Provincia de Alicante

    Pharmacy in Elche: CALLE VICTORIA KENT, 33

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